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Why government isn’t evil

Mitt Romney may have won the Arizona and Michigan republican primaries, but Rick Santorum is getting the attention. Every four years presidential elections get bizarre. That’s not a political assessment but a statement of moral observation. It seems this year is no different with wild promises and half truth claims of hidden agendas.

I’ll come right out and say it, I have no allegiance to any political party. I’ve voted for democrats and republicans.  However, this current republican presidential rhetoric worries me (democratic rhetoric worries me too). Theologically, a Christian’s allegiance is to God first and then to country second. Rick Santorum has become quite the arm chair theologian lately with criticizing the president’s “theology phony”.

Since the days of Ronald Reagan, according to some, government is the source of our country’s problems and government shouldn’t regulate our lives. Or, government is not the answer to our country’s problems although government is apparently the answer when it comes to job growth or economic stimulation in the form of tax cuts.  Others have made out the government as necessary evil or even an inherently evil.

So, which is it? Is the government a necessary evil or only good when it cuts taxes? Government is either good or evil, it can’t intrinsically be both. Continue Reading…