Here's my "I'm sorry" gift basket.
I must fess up. I’ve neglected my blog for the last two months. I’m sorry to my readers. What keeps a blog going are consistent posts that are thought provoking and timely. My blogging output was seriously deficient the past two months. I apologize and owe you an explanation.
Several things have held my attention. Namely, finishing my book manuscript on associate minister ministry for Judson Press was paramount. Writing, proofing (thanks to Kristen Champion-Terrell for her help), and completing 159 pages was an exercise in patience. My editor was gracious with my revised due dates. Finding time for manuscript writing was a learning process. Every writer has their process and I discovered mine.
Being a pastor and writing a book is no small task. I am fortunate and thankful for a thriving congregation. Putting writing off for late night hospital visits, retreats, evening meetings, and other church events was a constant reality. If pastoral work was not enough, certainly my duties as a General Board member for the American Baptist Churches and serving on the Board of Directors for the American Baptist Home Mission Society took up a few days here and there. Finally, attending my Lewis Fellows meetings takes away writing time too.
Don’t get me wrong. All of this good, really good. I’ve learned a lot and connected with many new people to help broaden my ministry. However, I discovered a few important realities when trying to write a book and balancing work, life, and family:
- Only you can balance work and a personal life. No one is going to make you stop working too much. You set your own pace. Ministers need to carve out time for their families and/or personal life. Tending to the needs of others is a special calling. Ministry is extremely demanding work but if you don’t spend time tending to the needs of your family your life will quickly ebb away. Between blogging and family needs… ah, it’s obvious what needs attention.
- Take breaks. Writing this book made me realize that there is only so much time in the day. Writing a blog and a book is almost impossible at the same time. Take time away from projects. I feel more refreshed to start blogging regularly again.
- Realize limits. For some strange reason, I work at a very high volume level. I have several projects and commitments in addition to full time ministry. Saying no can be tough but it has to happen.
Well friends, that is the long and short of it. I’m back and look for some posts soon!
Oh sure, blame it on the book! Kidding, of course. We’re looking forward to moving toward publication. Hang in there. It’s a very very long process.
Kim, -Ya’ll are great. Thanks for the support!
Thanks for the reminder to build a little “sabbath” into each day. True rest is good for both the body and soul.