Can there be a Christian Halloween? Can a Christian celebrate Halloween, which honors ghouls, demons, ghosts, and everything that goes bump in the night dangerous or even evil?
Somewhere, in the halls of history, Halloween or All Hallows Eve, got hijacked. What started as a day to prepare for All Saints’ Day (November 1st), Halloween became a spooky, evil, and candy filled observance. The term “Halloween” from its beginnings, had nothing to do with any pagan or evil beliefs. The Christian festival All Hallows Eve morphed into our current term Hallowe’en.
The key in understanding of the origins of the term Halloween comes from the sense of what is “hallowed” or “holy”. In the Lord’s Prayer, Christians pray, “Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be your name…” In the fourth century, John Chrysostom tells us that the Eastern church celebrated a festival in honor of all saints who died. In the seventh and eighth centuries, Christians celebrated “All Saints’ Day” formally.
How did Halloween become associated with evil spirits? When we look at history we discover:
More than a thousand years ago Christians confronted pagan rites appeasing the lord of death and evil spirits… the druids, in what is now Britain and France, observed the end of summer with sacrifices to the gods. It was the beginning of the Celtic year, and they believed Samhain, the lord of death, sent evil spirits abroad to attack humans, who could escape only by assuming disguises and looking like evil spirits themselves. The waning of the sun and the approach of dark winter made the evil spirits rejoice and play nasty tricks.
If the Christian observance of Halloween began with a religious focus, how can we reclaim and celebrate Halloween from its current feared status? Here are 7 ways Christians can take back Halloween:
1. Understand that All Hallows Eve (Halloween) and the ancient pagan festival of Samhain are not the same. Halloween is often associated with the pagan concept of Samhain, the festival where ancient pagans believed that the worlds of the living and dead would been thinly divided. But, we have seen from the other ancient pagan festivals associated with Christmas and Easter that these pagan connections do not serve as a reason why we cannot celebrate a Christian holiday. Despite claims by modern Wiccans and Druids, no one really knows what happened during Samhain. There is not one shred of evidence of what actually took place. No authentic historical accounts. History has proven that the Christianizing of the calendar has created a rich heritage of faith and spirituality rather than something more evil. Gregory III (731–741) and Gregory IV (827–844) moved the Christian holiday All Saints’ Day from May 13 to November 1 to replace the pagan rituals on October 31 and November 1. Gregory III instructed people to dress up as saints . Let the occult have Samhain, we are taking All Hallows Eve back.
2. The establishment of Christmas and Easter in Europe had pagan connections but we do not abandon these holidays. Neither should we abandon All Hallows Eve. Much of the beef of conservative Christians surrounding Halloween is centered around how pagan observances where mash together with Halloween. Most Christians may not understand that Christmas was opted for a December observance because of the Nordic holiday of Yule (ever heard of a Yule log?) Many scholars believe that Jesus’ birthday was in fact during warmer months rather than colder months. For the ancient pagans, in the beginning of the winter solstice, the days became shorter and the weather became much colder. As a pagan observance, the Scandinavian cultures would keep a fire going with a giant tree or log for people often made sacrifices before an oak tree for a period of 12 days… a connection with the 12 days of Christmas? Not to mention the Christmas tree. Pagans would burn or use evergreens in their festivals.
The observance of Easter is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. However, The modern English word “Easter“ can be traced to an older English word Ēastre or Ēostre or Eoaster, which refers to Eostur-monath, a month that the Germanic peoples named after the goddess Ēostre. If the word Easter has connections to pagan rituals of celebrating the spring time, does that devalue Easter? No.
3. Understanding that early Christians contextualized early pagan holidays into Christian holidays helps us to see that we do not have to compromise our beliefs with pagan ones. Anthony McRoy, a Fellow of the British Society for Middle East Studies at Wales Evangelical School of Theology reminds us:
Of course, even if Christians did engage in contextualization—expressing their message and worship in the language or forms of the local people—that in no way implies doctrinal compromise for Halloween. Christians around the world have sought to redeem the local culture for Christ while purging it of practices antithetical to biblical norms. After all, Christians speak of “Good Friday,” but they are in no way honoring the worship of the Norse/Germanic queen of the gods Freya by doing so.
4. “Evil” themes in our current secular Halloween observances were not always present. Thus, we can recapture the spiritual with the innocent. Halloween does not have to be a holiday filled with Draculas, bloody masks, or witches. There was a time when children dressed up, but their costumes were not sinister. Sue Ellen Thompson’s book Holiday Symbols records that during the Great Depression, “children often disguised themselves as hobos, burglars, pirates… in other words, as economic and social outcasts, symbolic of the troubles from which their parents were struggling to escape.” (link) Those children were trying to make light of their situation. In many cultures, taunting or comically characterizing personal cultural strife was a way of triumphing over that which could not be over come in their collective psyche.
Elesha Coffman wrote , “Festival of Fears”, in Christianity Today that Halloween in the 19th century were devoid of scary masks and monsters:
Mainstream Halloween celebrations in the Victorian era were generally tame and devoid of occult overtones. Instead of pulling pranks or haunting neighborhoods, young people chatted and flirted in festooned parlors. By the beginning of the twentieth century, some towns had gone so far as to make Halloween primarily a civic affair, complete with parades and block parties.
5. If you still think Halloween is an evil day, then maybe you should see All Hallows Eve as a time when Christians can laugh and even mock evil. Anderson M. Rearick, assistant professor of English at Mount Vernon Nazarene College in Ohio, challenges us to rethink Halloween:
Should the forces of evil be mocked? Should Satan be laughed at? He most certainly should be. At the beginning of The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis includes two telling quotations, the first from Martin Luther: “The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn.”
The second comes from Thomas More: “The devil … the proud spirit cannot endure to be mocked.”
The one thing Satan cannot bear is to be a source of laughter. His pride is undermined by his own knowledge that his infernal rebellion against God is in reality an absurd farce. Hating laughter, he demands to be taken seriously. Indeed, I would say that those Christians who spend the night of October 31 filled with concern over what evils might be (and sometimes are) taking place are doing the very thing Lucifer wants them to do. By giving him this respect, such believers are giving his authority credence.
Christians should instead celebrate Halloween with gusto. If we follow the traditional formula of having a good time at his expense, Satan flees.
By laughing, mocking, and even “cartooning” evil by goofy costumes we can take a posture of triumph with Christ.
6. Christians can celebrate and teach All Saint’s Day, November 1st in churches.
The term “saint” is used over 60 times in the New Testament. We protestants use the word saints to describe the Christians living and dead. We can also honor our loved ones who have given us Christ, such as our parents, grandparents, etc… We thank God for them and pray that the living “saints” may live in community. Churches can use All Saints Day to light candles as an act of prayer for thanking God for the special people (“saints”) in our lives.
We can also learn from the saints of the church for the last 2,000 years. We protestants have often been fearful of honoring and learning from the Church saints for fear that we are venerating them as Catholics do.
7. Christ holds the “keys to death and Hades” (Revelation 1:18). We can celebrate that Christ defeated death. Even the mere name of “Jesus Christ” can make evil shutter and even follow the commands of God. When Jesus confronted evil demons in the New Testament they were fearful and obeyed the commands of Jesus to leave the people they possessed. Much of the outcry concerning Halloween comes from the fear of evil or welcoming evil into their homes or lives. No one should go out and look for spiritual warfare, but we should take comfort in knowing that Christ has given us the tools to fend away evil: faith in God, scripture, the power of Christ, the Holy Spirit, fasting, and prayer.
Why should Christians allow others to claim Halloween as their own? We should not. We should take it back All Hallows Eve by embracing All Saints Day and remembering our “saints”. By separating All Hallows Eve from the pre-Christian practices, Christians can take comfort in understanding the historical Christian remembrance that is associated with All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day. Children can collect donations for UNICEF or for a local cause. We Christians can also view Halloween as a fun event for children by having events in churches or in our communities where children and their parents can dress up, play games, and share some treats in a safe place.
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Good article; thanks for posting it.
Alan, thanks for this. It is a wonderfully well-researched and articulated response to the “Halloween is the Devil’s Holiday” type pamphlets that come out in the newspapers this time of year. Do you mind if I re-print (with credit to you and your blog, of course) in my bulletin and the local newspaper? ( think others in the community would enjoy it as well.
Erin, yes please share the article with my name and blog address. Thank you for your comments and readership.
Norma, thank you!
excelente!…en nuestra comunidad estamos preparando algo así para este fin de semana…
esto hace que este mas convencida sobre el tema del evento
[…] la ricorrenza. È il caso della chiesa battista di Ballston, nello stato di New York, sul cui blog è comparso un post sul quale vale la pena riflettere brevemente. Halloween e la festa pagana di […]
[…] la ricorrenza. È il caso della chiesa battista di Ballston, nello stato di New York, sul cui blog è comparso un post sul quale vale la pena riflettere brevemente. Halloween e la festa pagana di […]
[…] On The Bema Skip to content HomeAbout “The Bema”About the AuthorMediaSermonsTimes Union BlogTwitter ← 7 Reasons Why Christians Should Celebrate Halloween […]
Thank you so much for all your insight and research! I just posted your link on my FB.
Alan – What a nice surprise to see you had written this article a friend recommended. It is excellent, and I will share part of it in my Halloween sermon. I’m glad you are doing well, and miss all of you in CABA.
Blessings to you and your family.
You can argue but at the end Jesus said “He who is not with me is aginst me, and he does not gather with me scatters”. Matthew 12-30. If one person is agains hallowen is with JESUS. That can not be more clear. This only ONE REASON is more thant enougth to NOT CELEBRATE an evil day. Real christians follow Jesus.
Halloween started with the Celts, not the Romans. The Roman Christian church just added new names to an old holiday. The Celts celebrated the dead, wore animal skins and mask to confuse the dead who were allowed to walk the earth during this time, ask the dead for information concerning the future, and offered sacrifices to their gods and goddesses.
Deuteronomy 18:9-13 says, “When you arrive in the land the LORD your God is giving you, be very careful not to imitate the detestable customs of the nations living there. For example, never sacrifice your son or daughter as a burnt offering. And do not let your people practice fortune-telling or sorcery, or allow them to interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone who does these things is an object of horror and disgust to the LORD. It is because the other nations have done these things that the LORD your God will drive them out ahead of you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God.”
Modern Halloween still promotes the devil and all of those things mentioned in scripture. Even if a Christian is not partaking in those particular activities, those activities are still a huge part of this holiday. Therefore, it should not be celebrated in any way. Nor should an alternative be given for children because it teaches children that they are missing out on something when they are not. It breeds a generation of compromising Christians who say there is nothing wrong with celebrating Halloween.
The scriptures tell us that we are not to be like the world. Besides children eat candy all year long and go to parties also.
As far as Christmas goes it shouldn’t be celebrated either. Jesus was not born December 25. It was a holiday of a pagan god and once again the Roman Church needed to put a new name on it to appease everyone.
The Bible says, “Hear the word ADONAI speaks to you, house of Isra’el! Here is what ADONAI says: “Don’t learn the way of the Goyim, don’t be frightened by astrological signs, even if the Goyim are afraid of them; for the customs of the peoples are nothing. They cut down a tree in the forest; a craftsman works it with his axe; they deck it with silver and gold. They fix it with hammer and nails, so that it won’t move. Like a scarecrow in a cucumber patch, it cannot speak. It has to be carried, because it cannot walk. Do not be afraid of it it can do nothing bad; likewise it is unable to do anything good!” (Jer. 10:1-5 CJB)
This is said because a tree was used in the worship of Astoreth, a goddess. A lot of the symbols used at this time can be attributed to worshipping her. As for modern times all you have to do is listen to the songs “Oh, Christmas Tree” “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” and others. It involves the worship of a tree and a man who has god-like powers.
This is the short version of why you shouldn’t celebrate either holidays or holy days I should say.
Dawn, I would encourage you to do a little research. “Halloween” was not started with the Celts. Halloween is a modern word from the Christian celebration of “All Hallows Eve” -Hallow-een.
There is no Christian celebration of any dead people, “saints” or otherwise. Saints are nothing more than people that have been exalted by other people. Show me your Biblical backing for celebrating dead saints.
Revelation 14:13
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them
I hope you don’t have children. Or that your post is entirely tongue in cheek.
Thank you Alan for your insight and information. I’ve run the gauntlet with Halloween; it began as my favorite holiday (dressing up and fantasy) to trying to run away from the evening by hiding out at a restaurant or theater. The church in many ways has confused my issue by sponsoring gatherings with members dressed as witches and vampires instead of focusing on “this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Instead of focusing on the disguise, the body of Christ should rejoice in the light of Christ in our lives, and those that came before us as celebrated in All Saints Day.
Alan, I have researched the origins of Halloween. I actually wrote an article about it on my blog, Common Sense Wisdom. You can read it if you like to. However, here is a small part:
When the Romans conquered the Celts they tried to convert them to Roman Christianity, which meant abandoning their (the Celts) festivals (a three day festival). Many years passed without success. Eventually one Pope thought he could win the Celts by compromising. He didn’t think this would be hard since the Romans were already celebrating the dead and honoring Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees.
The Pope aligned the Celts’ three-day festival with thei Roman festivals. He established October 31 as All Hallows Eve, November 1 as All Saints Day, and November 2 as All Souls Day. Together all three days are known as Hallow Mass.
Samhain became the “evening” of “All Hallows” (“hallowed” = “holy” = “saint”), which was eventually contracted into “Hallow-e’en” or the modern “Halloween.”
Modern Halloween wasn’t originally celebrated in this country until fairly recently when the Irish came over and brought their customs with them. Our original settlers tried to make it more community oriented so it wouldn’t clash with their religious beliefs. So anyway you look at it, celebrating Halloween isn’t something that should be done by professing Saints.
Dawn, I fear that you do not see the forest from the trees. My post dispels many of the myths, misunderstands, and just plain wrong history of Halloween – even the word Halloween was created by Christians. As stated in my post, both Christmas and Easter were aligned with pagan celebrations. Should we kick those holidays out too?
The only arguments I’ve heard from supporters of Halloween is that its fun, we get to have candy and that Christians are just too serious. Well, as a Christian, shouldn’t I be serious about what I believe in? And isn’t there 364 other days out of the year to have fun and eat candy? Why does it have to be limited to Oct. 31. I guess most Christians are willing to sacrifice their spiritual well-being for a little fun. Life is not all about fun and candy. As a parent, there are so many other parenting issues that are so much more important than whether or not my kids are having fun on one day out of the year. Who cares if all the other kids are doing it! It doesn’t mean your kids have to do it. Who cares if society is doing it. It doesn’t mean we have to participate. When you look at the pros and cons, the only pros you have are fun, candy, pumpkins, and dressing up. Non of these are life essentials! The cons on the other hand are many. The possibility of occult activity, demonic activity, and disobedience to scripture that tells us to abhor that which is evil. I don’t see why we take the chance when the only thing we have to gain is fun and candy. How are those legitimate arguments. The consequences may not seem that bad now, but it only takes a little leaven to leaven the whole lump. Eventually, one small act of disobedience will lead to a life of total compromise and slavery to sin.
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[…] So what’s the answer? I confess, I have set you up, I’m sending you to a link for the answer. Pastor Alan Rudnick, of the First Baptist Church of Ballston Spa, New York addresses this issue in a fresh way, he has more than done his homework – I suggest you check it out! […]
I like this article, but I’m a little confused. So, are you saying we’re suppose to come to church to celebrate our “Saints”, (All Hallows Eve) while dressed in costumes, exchanging treats, etc, like the pagan traditions (Samhain) ? As I’m typing this, I’m remembering that we have meshed paganism with Christianity on every other Holiday too. (Christmas, Easter, etc…) But, I’m still not so sure if God is okay with that? I’m a mom who has a child in public school kindergarten, trying to make a decision on how to handle the “Halloween issue”, and I’m running out of time, as it is now the 21st. Thanks for giving me another viewpoint to ponder.
Denna, no. When I wrote that we should “celebrate” Halloween through All Saints Day, I talked about remembering loved ones who passed away. When you say, “come to” church, do you mean worship on Sunday or a church gathering?
I agree. Christians are quick to keep their made up holidays of Christmas and Easter. Arent those keeping pagan holidays too? Oh wait..we put Christ in those, so we have to pretend that they’re in the Bible and keep them? *flips pages on the Bible* I dont see a date or time when Christ was born or risen.
Trick or treat is nothing than kids dressing up and going house to house for candy for 2 hours out of your year. There is nothing wrong with letting kids have fun. You could use the analogy of the farmer with the pumpkin. He washes it, cleans it out and puts a light in it for all to see, See you can make Christ fit into just about everything. It’s all in your perspective. So go dress up like a dog, a princess, or Batman and get me some candy ! LOL
Not all Christians keep christmas and easter. Oh, and those holidays aren’t made up, they are pagan celebrations going back many hundreds of years. Look up winter solstice and the pagan fertility goddess Ishtar.
Some interesting points and then end it by saying donate to the UN’s UNICEF? Really.
Interesting points on all aspects but what I find interesting is that..The Bible talks about abstaining from all appearances of EVIL. ALL. We, as Christians, as suppose to be the light of the world and partaking of this (Halloween) in any way, shape, or form gives Satan a very small foothold into a Christians life. Some may say…thats not true but it is. Give him an inch..and he’ll take a yard.
We are to be in the world, but not of the world..We are to be seperate, set apart..Why would we want to claim another religion for our own. We have plenty of reasons to celebrate without claiming pagan rituals. We serve an Awesome GOD!! Lets raise our children to be a bright light in this world! not a flickering one, where none can tell if your a Christian or not .
satan is defeated w/jesus we should rejoice in that .satans wants us to think its his day but he lost if parents take their kids to get some candy ….its ok im i guess ..lets not walk on egg shells on a defeated foe.but lets no comfort to the day as if he has owned the night and we are creatures of it …we ust think of the ones who might stumble because of this .
Love the article! I am tired of hearing so many people being told “You will go to Hell if you celebrate Halloween.”
I need to really stray here and ask a question about the use of a tree at Christmas time. I read that the use of a tree for celebration comes from a Pagan God worship practice (no other info. provided). Would someone help me with the information on this?
Joseph you are correct the use of decorating a tree, giving out presents on the 25th of December and celebrating Saturnalia followed by the birth of a God born of a virgin God Dionysis, who also ressurected three days after his death..
I agree with Dawn. Halloween, Christmas, Easter, are all thoroughly pagan traditions repackaged by the Roman Catholic Church. Here’s an interesting read on Halloween, Christmas and Easter, Nimrod, Samhein, etc:
Take the time to read it. This stuff isn’t funny or okay, it’s really wicked. (The explanation is on each of the photos in the album.)
We’re commanded to follow the narrow path not the broad one which leads to destruction, that doesn’t imply we have leeway to do what we think is right. We follow the Scriptures, we follow our perfect example of how to live, the example of the Light of the world, Yeshua the Messiah.
These pagan traditions originated from man, not from the Most High unlike the seven feasts of the Most High which we should be keeping, just as our faithful saviour did and taught. (Passover not Easter, and so on.)
Additionally, there’s ample Scriptures throughout Paul’s writings where he rebukes those he is writing to for returning to “pagan ways” after having been taught the ways of the Most High, and the Messiah Yeshua (whose ways are one in the same.)
[…] 7 Reasons Why Christians Should Celebration Halloween […]
[…] 7 Reasons Why Christians Should Celebration Halloween […]
I like your thinking. Very good article. We Christians take things way to seriously. Does me enjoying this holiday and participating in it mean I’m worshiping Satan? Of course not.
Do people often tell you that you bear a striking resemblance to Donny Osmond?
Appreciate you, brother.
Tom, thanks for reading. Looking like Osmond? That would be a first!
[…] 7 Reasons Why Christians Should Celebrate Halloween My only closing question is this: How do you deal with Halloween in your home? Share this:FacebookDiggStumbleUponTwitterEmailPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. […]
[…] an in-depth assessment on Halloween, please read: Seven Reasons Why Christians Should Celebrate Halloween. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: "165219146927610", xfbml: true}); […]
i think halloween isnt bad its just a fun way to get candy and dress up
well i cant because my parents are “christians” ugh but whatever whwn i grow up it’ll be my choice
You should read about demon warfare so when you do grow up… you’d know why your parents are ‘Christians’
Yes, it will be your choice. Right now, your parents are in charge of protecting you and your soul as best they can. Soon, the decisions you make will be yours alone, as will their consequences, whether good or bad. Think carefully, learn about the reality of these “holidays” and don’t let peer pressure or the thought of some “fun” blind you.
[…] If you want to learn more, check out my Times-Union blog on 7 Reasons why Christians should celebrate Halloween. […]
The title itself is foolish!! Why would a true , I said true christian want anything to do with death and destruction, its a witches holiday and they take it seriously. Children are sacrificed on this day. We are not to entertain evil anyway , its opening the door for demonic spirits to come in, and they do when you celebrate this, there r no alternative to this devils day, why do we hve to be like the world , when God said we r not if the world. Its sad that we have to ? If its ok, discernment shld answer the ? And if still not sure pray !!! God will let I know whts wrong , I’m sure he will not thumbs up Halloween but he said go to him in prayer re all things. Also the bible says I will set no wicked thing before my eyes, isn’t death and demons and darkness and divination –
Ive never heard of any one being sacrifificed on Halloween. I have 2 firends that are both witches because they practice Wicca and other stuff along with it and all they do is grow pumkins do some prayers and spice up the house, they are great people and the last thing they would do is hurt someone. Im pretty sure there are other things more evil then to celebrate halloween like lying, or commiting adultery. Im a christian and i love halloween, i look at it as something fun to do at this time of the year, but in no way I worship Satan.
My mom was a Wiccan before she met the Lord, and had a different experience than your friends. Maybe they did not get into the “dark parts” of “good” or “white” magic, but from my mom’s experience, there were some pretty horrific things happening even within the Wiccan community. In her opinion now, there is no “good” magic. And from my experience, her time as a Wiccan was horrible for me and my little sister, there were definitely spirits in our house and they were not good and it was a very scary time for us.
[…] Alan Rudnick writes from an American perspective and Steve Utley from a British one. Michael Spencer and Anderson Rearick might be a step too far for some, but they’re fascinating for showing how attitudes have changed on this issue. […]
Christians are the most narrow minded people on the planet. Do you really think that God is up there saying.. “how dare you celebrate with candy and pumpkins?” Holidays are what YOU make them to be. My father is a fundamental baptist pastor, and I grew up with Halloween. We talked about how it was ‘all hallow’s eve’ and what that meant, then we celebrated with trick or treating and a party at our house for our friends/family. We do the same thing with Christmas. We talked about the real meaning and where it comes from and how it translated into Santa… I don’t feel jipped, I felt informed. Maybe if more parents spent time educating our children on the TRUTH we wouldn’t have so many leaving churches and God. Trust me, God will still love you even if you go trick or treating… Good Grief people get a clue!
I think it has become symbolic imagery of evil today and hyped up with shows like “walking dead”but a thorough clear analytical understanding of its origins as all saints day all hallows eve are early traditions. I dont think my God is going to judge me to hell for it. Not my viewpoint which is narrow tyrranical and oppressive.
Why would or should Christians have a day to celebrate dead “saints”? And what are saints? Does God name people saints? No, this is a man made tradition.
you know what Santa spells Satan it is a diversion of what Christmas real is.
This article is interesting and fairly intelligent yet two things keep standing out and can’t be ignored. Number one, Alan, you keep repeating that Halloween started with Christians, yet history that you mentioned partially yourself, says that it was the result of a merger of a pagan holiday and the Christian’s practice of remembering saints. The pagan part of it actually dates back to an earlier time before there were Christians on earth and since Halloween does land on their date and not the date when the Christians remembered the saints, it really is a very tainted ‘holiday’ at best. Like a few mentioned on this thread, God did despise it when the Jews mixed the heathen customs with the religious days He had given them to observe. I do agree with you that Christians today are much too joyless ( Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.) There is a strength in gratitude and joyfulness.
Lets keep the Faith!
God gave a lot of holidays to the Jews, when they weren’t supposed to work but rejoice and feel joyful. I think we could improve on that but at the same time- not do it on a pagan day that’s tainted with a pagan flavor! One more thing really stood out. I love C.S. Lewis, but if those quotes are actually included in his writings I’m shocked. As Christians we ALL agree primarily we are trying to live in the footsteps of Christ. How did Christ dismiss the devil when He was in the wilderness?? By quoting scripture! No laughter. I’m sure if laughter would have been more powerful than the Word of God, He would have used it!! And also in Jude 9 : “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.” In summary my humble opinion is that in Christianity today there is altogether too little SERIOUSNESS AND JOY! Especially in America too much emphasis on tolerance and feeling ‘happy’ versus holiness and joy. Remember none of this life is about what we decide is right. We will be judged by the Word God has given us and the example of Jesus. Its not about us! Its about HIM. What a peace and feeling of purpose and happiness to keep our focus on this truth.
I have to heartily disagree. This article is far from intelligent. It spews hate just as much as the Westboro Baptists. His words are grounded only in his opinion not fact. Halloween was not and will never be a “Christian” holiday.
The question I have is to what god are these people praying? Can you not be a Christian and dance around a cleansing fire meant to ward off the cold?
Jesus was the epitome of tolerance and intolerance. He tolerated those who were cast out by the common folk. He was intolerant of those who were in power opressing those who wished to worship.
I celebrate this holiday yearly. Not as a Christian. As a human being who has not forgetten, that before there was a book to tell us how to live, we huddled en mass near the flames to cleanse ourselves from the evils of the dark. These people did not summon devils or demons. They summoned their ancestors for protection. This is something still celebrated by the catholic church. In time immemorial cabaalists used to eat their dead. They ate the heart and brains of family members to keep them close. Is this no different than the tradition of the transmutation of the body and blood? Cabaalists grew into the Jewish faith.
We must understand where we have come from. We must understand our history for if we don’t we spew insignificant drivel that can surely be mistaken for intelligence.
[…] “Halloween does not have to be a holiday filled with Draculas, bloody masks, or witches. There was a time when children dressed up, but their costumes were not sinister. Sue Ellen Thompson’s book Holiday Symbols records that during the Great Depression, “children often disguised themselves as hobos, burglars, pirates… in other words, as economic and social outcasts, symbolic of the troubles from which their parents were struggling to escape.” Those children were trying to make light of their situation.” from Alan Rudnicks blog: […]
[…] 7 Reasons Why Christians Should Celebrate Halloween […]
What do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? That’s not me asking… That’s the Apostle Paul. 2 Cor 6:14.
Look at this another way: What if there was a curse word that, by some accounts, had seemingly innocent origins? Would you try to “take back” that curse word as well and incorporate it into a worship service? Would that not be a behavioral disconnect that would create confusion for those to whom we ought to be witnessing? More importantly, would it reflect God’s light? Is Halloween so different?
Christians are to worship in [God’s] spirit and in truth. Halloween is neither.
So your point of this article was what exactly??? To say yes, we should totally take part in honouring the ghost, spirits and whatever while giving candy so they won’t haunt us. Seriously, the whole concept of honouring the spirits came before All Hallows Eve because the Celtics created it. What Halloween stands for today is something that no Christian should take part in, whether or not it once was a Christian event, it definitely isn’t today. Why should we as Christians want to dress up as witches, vampires and ghosts anyway, how the heck does that bring glory to God?
What’s funny is, you are all insufferable. You’re supposed to be Christians. Samhuinn is not a devil worshiping holiday. It is not a holiday in which you sacrifice children. It is a celebration of the end of summer period. It is a celebration of the harvest. Bon fires are lit to ward away the cold of winter. I was baptized catholic and I know these things because I’ve taken the time to be objective rather than judgmental.
Jesus consorted with whores and lepers yet you, so-called ‘christians’, are probably the most judgmental of the bunch. Shame on all of you for desecrating a holiday that is even more ancient than our church. He makes a point that there is no recorded evidence. There is no recorded evidence because the church destroyed it. Do you know why friday the 13th is evil? The pope murdered hundreds of innocent templars thats why. It is evil because of the evil a christian man perpetrated. You all forget that we all live in sin and the only way to cleanse that sin is through love and forgiveness.
Love these people because they choose to celebrate in ignorance. I feel much closer to God when I celebrate Samhuinn. I feel much closer to God when I celebrate what I am thankful for. Samhuinn also is not set upon a day but a celestial event. This year Samhuinn occurs on November 7th.
Great comments, John :7King James Version (KJV)
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
What happened to this? Remember the Lord will judge all your sins that we all are guilty of. CONTINUE TO PRAISE GOD BY TALKING.
Though Jude does tell us to beware those that wear the guise of a Christian. When he warned us of these he wasn’t talking about the ones who dance through circles of fire.
He was warning us of the ones who gain power then use it to tell us that people who believe differently are evil…
Jesus taught us to embrace difference. Remember all of us are children of God because they dress up because they believe it keeps the demons at bay is no reason to think they worship devils…
The irony here is that you are preaching love and forgiveness while name calling. We do NOT all live in sin, those of us that follow Jesus are forgiven and clean already. Samhain is a pagan celebration. How can you possibly feel closer to God while celebrating it?
[…] 7 Reasons Why Christians Should Celebrate Halloween Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? 10 Reasons I Kissed Halloween Goodbye […]
[…] Still, I was tossing around, wondering what to do about Halloween. I talked about it with a friend, who said something about it maybe being about opening up to evil spirits doing things. The nagging thought I kept having was, “Why is it okay to have a Christmas tree (originally a pagan symbol) but not okay to celebrate Halloween? I even Googled it, and I found a wonderful blog post. […]
I agree 100% Halloween is not Satanic for Satanic isn’t a word that makes any sense. Satan means Adversary okay? Satanic would be like saying “Adversaryish” If being an Adversary to God is Evil, for God creates all things Good and Evil. Than Halloween is something God created too through us. Being Adversaryish is not being entirely Evil. So Halloween should not be “EVIL” either. To Not Celebrate in the Festival is like saying the Devil has more Power over God. I like the point this Article made when it said Christians Celebrate even Worship the Holy (Pagan) Holidays of Easter and Christmas. Halloween should be no different. I had a Razor blade in a Candy Bar and almost died before. It’s a time where you should use caution. The World is a dangerous place. To prevent your Kid from Celebrating in these Activities is no different really than being Prejudice towards Secularists or Nonbelievers. Christians I know will sometimes give out Mini Bibles with Candy and stuff like that. Using it as a Good Witness Tool to bring people to God. It’s Hypocrisy to say Christians shouldn’t Celebrate Death or make it Holy when Jesus Christ Died on the Cross and Christianity is all wrapped around Worshipping of Idols the Cross which is Forbidden by God and God at times was Congratulatory of Death. But anyway Christianity is a Religion wrapped around Death Worship like the Wrath of God in the Destruction of Sodom – God is Dead but Alive in Spirit. No one is telling you to dress up like a Devil or a Demon. You can dress up like an Angel if you want or Jesus. It’s the Mentality in a Spiritual Sense how you approach the Holiday whether or not it’s Evil. If promoting Fear is Evil. Than why did God do it all the time through Destruction and and telling people they will go to Hell and Burn for Eternity and so on. That is Fear Mongering. Even in Psalms David and others FEARED the Lord. FEAR was treated like a good thing. In Conclusion Christians should Celebrate Halloween and attempt to bring a dark soul(s) to Life.
But that was one Defect out of Dozen of years. You should always inspect the Candy but the Holiday is Not Evil. If it’s Evil than our God is Evil for possessing a Tree of Knowledge of Good AND EVIL in Eden and he’s Evil for Creating Us and Satan and Never Killing Satan. Which is Evil. And He’s Evil for Killing babies in Egypt cause the Pharaoh wouldn’t let the Slaves go. The Morality of God could be brought into Question but Evil is in the Eye of the Beholden. Satan is Evil cause of all the Propaganda Wars that has went on for a Century or more. Through Media we Deify the Devil. Never bring into Question is was God who NUMBERED both. That would be like if God gave you a Duty and you Disobeyed him and he killed your whole Family and let you live. In Fact that is what he did to Job for Worshiping and Obeying him. Kind of a Double Standard don’t ya think? For every Evil Sinful thing God has ever Done he’s done a Good act and Miracle or loving thing as well. God is a great example of Action and Reaction.
Romans 12:2 ” Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” 1 John 2:15-17 “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.” There is nothing in the Bible, NOTHING, that tells us it is ok or right to celebrate pagan festivals. Instead it repeatedly tells us to abstain from these things, to be DIFFERENT from the unbelievers, to stand out. We don’t belong here on this earth, our home is in Heaven with Jesus. We are to be a perfect Bride, without stain or blemish, to Him. How can we be that if we are whoring with pagan celebrations?
[…] File Name : 7 reasons why christians should celebrate halloween – alan Source : Download : 7 reasons why christians should celebrate halloween – alan […]
[…] Alan Rudnick writes from an American perspective and Steve Utley from a British one. Michael Spencer and Anderson Rearick might be a step too far for some, but they’re fascinating for showing how attitudes have changed on this issue. […]
[…] 7 Reasons Why Christians Should Celebrate Halloween […]
[…] However, Pastor Alan Rudnick believes that Christians should take back Halloween. […]
[…] Why Christians Can Celebrate Halloween (says this guy) […]
[…] Why Christians Can Celebrate Halloween (says this guy) […]
[…] Satan himself. This is due to the beginnings of the Christian influence on holiday: as a means to mock the devil, demons and evil in general from its power to influence […]
[…] Why Christians Can Celebrate Halloween (says this guy) […]
[…] However, Pastor Alan Rudnick believes that Christians should take back Halloween. […]
[…] that the worlds of the living and dead would have been thinly divided,” he writes on his blog. “But, we have seen from the other ancient pagan festivals associated with Christmas and […]
[…] However, Pastor Alan Rudnick believes that Christians should take back Halloween. […]
[…] shared an interesting discussion about how she read 7 Ways a Christian can celebrate Halloween. Chantel Moore manager at the Halloween hunted house event expressed why they hold such events on […]
[…] However, Pastor Alan Rudnick believes that Christians should take back Halloween. […]
[…] den andre siden skriver en pastor ved navn Alan Rudnick at det er på tide at Halloween blir en kristen feiring på grunn av «Allehelgens dag». […]
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[…] Alan Rudnick on “7 reasons why a Christian can celebrate (and remake) Halloween”: […]
[…] 7 Reasons why a Christian can celebrate (and remake) Halloween […]
[…] Alan Rudnik. 7 razones por las que un cristiano puede celebrar Halloween. 28 de octubre de 2010. consultado […]