
A Vision For Chipotle

Man, I love Chipotle.  Goodness wrapped in a burrito.  Chipolte has been very successful creating a niche for their products.  Chipolte started as a humble company, but it quickly grew into a national chain. They have a very simple menu, store, and concept:

“Food with Integrity” is our commitment to always look closer, dig deeper, and work harder to ensure that our actions are making things better, not worse. It’s our promise to run our business in a way that doesn’t exploit animals, people or the environment. It is the philosophy that guides every decision we make at Chipotle.

Chipotle shares a special place in the hearts of poor college students.  For only about $6, you can get something to eat that tastes great and is fresh.  Chipotle has turned this idea into a multi-million dollar business.

Why do some stores or brands fail and other succeed?

It comes down to vision.  Recently, Time magazine published a story about Blockbuster Video going out of business because their model was unsustainable.  Blockbuster never had a vision of how to compete with Netflix, on demand cable, and Redbox. Now they are in bankruptcy. It comes down to planing: casting and seeking a vision.

In my preaching series on vision this Sunday, we are going to look at how Jeremiah received a plan for God that casted a plan for Israel. After surveying the situation of Israel, reflecting, and planning Jeremiah begins the process of casting and seeking the vision. God’s people might have been hesitant about the vision because they were still in exile – away from their home land. What was the vision to cast and seek? Israel was to settle down and take wives, establish families, build houses, and plant gardens. God encouraged them to seek the welfare of their new surroundings.

What is God challenging you to seek?  In your job, your family, in your life? At the First Baptist Church of Ballston Spa, we are beginning the process of casting and seeking.  Gary Long, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Gaithersburg, MD is leading part of our retreat on vision casting and seeking on October 23.

No matter if we are leading a company, a church, a school, or non-profit organization there must be a plan.  In order to assemble the plan, we must cast a wide net and seek a plan for the future.



  • Reply Jonathan Pearson February 21, 2012 at 2:40 pm

    I’ve never thought about Chipotle from the ‘simple’ concept, but I think you’ve brought out a great point. Vision (clear vision) is essential. Hope great things come from the series!

    • Reply Alan Rudnick February 21, 2012 at 5:48 pm

      Jon, you got to love burritos and vision!

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