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Western Wall

Israel Trip

Israel Day Five (Part II): The Old City

We departed from the Tent of Nations and went to the Old City section in Jerusalem. We traveled through a maze of covered and partly covered streets to make our way to a number of Holy Sites.

The first stop we made was to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which is said to be the place where Jesus was crucified and buried.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Entering the Church of the Holy Sepulcher

The recent conflict between Palestinians and Israelis left many of the Holy Sites to be easily accessed because the conflict scared many away. It was very safe. As you walked into the church, at the top of the stairs, there was a small line to see the traditional death place of Jesus. You must bend down to touch the marker of the crucifixion. There is a glass floor over the rock where Jesus was killed.


A stairway leads to Calvary (Golgotha) site.

Next, we walked down the stairs. As you come back to the first level, there was an amazing mosaic of the burial of Jesus:


 Beside this huge mosaic, is the Stone of Anointing – said to be the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial:


Again, because of the low crowd factor, we decided to stand in a short line to see the tomb of Jesus. But the tomb isn’t what you think it might be. The tomb, said to be Jesus’, is encased in this huge wooded structure call The Edicule. The structure has two rooms. The first holds The Angel’s Stone, said to be a fragment of the stone from the sealing of the tomb after Jesus’ burial. The second room is the tomb itself. Both these rooms are very small and dark.


You are not allowed to take pictures and only candles light the rooms. As I entered the second room, the tomb room, I thought to myself the likelihood of this rock as the tomb of Jesus. I thought it was odd that Jesus’ death and burial sites were so close. Despite this, I prayed. There are several priests outside that ensure that the line moves quickly. You only have about 10-15 seconds to be in the tomb room. Nevertheless, it was a very cool experience. You can see a 360 view of the structure here.

Next, we went directly to the Western Wall or the Wailing Wall. The wall is as close as Christians and Jews can get to the original Temple site. As I stood in the temple plaza, my brain was taking in all the sights. Hundreds of Jews praying at the Wall.



It is crazy to think that you are touching Herod’s outer Temple wall. Those stones (the large ones) have been around for 2,000 years. As the Sabbath drew near, we watched Jews rushing around to get things done before the Sabbath since no work is permitted.

We ended our day with Michelle and Natanel Cohen, who are a part of a group called Shabbat of a Lifetime. We traveled to their home and they led us in a traditional home Shabbat dinner. We joined in the liturgy and ate a wonderful meal. We learned about customs, beliefs, and history of the Shabbat.

Israel Trip Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 part IDay 5 part II Day 6Day 7Day 8