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Response to Harry Potter

Harry Potter

What Happened to the Christian Objection to Harry Potter?

When the Harry Potter books and movies came out a few years ago, you might remember the outcry from fundamental Christians, who claimed that reading the Harry Potter books was akin to sinful witchcraft.  There many articles and websites devoted to steering Christians away from the dangers of the fantasy world invoking wizards, creatures, magic, and spells.  Why is it that other fiction stories like Cinderella, Aladdin, Pokemon, etc… do not invoke such a response?   Nobody seemed to cry out against Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings… oh yeah, those books were written by Christian authors, so that makes it okay.  Even though, those books contain the same fantasy elements as Harry Potter.  Now, where are all the Christian nay-sayers?

I think a lot of hyped died down because  there is a sense within fundamental Christianity that is reactionary.  They typically give a knee-jerk reaction to anything remotely questionable.  These Christians really operate in fear of things that apparently threaten their faith.  Also, the hype died down because Harry Potter became very mainstream and proved to be harmless.  Once Christians saw that Harry Potter was really just a story and not an evil left-wing plan to subvert Christianity, I think most hard core conservative Christians said, “Oh, its okay now because my minister said it was not evil.”  Author and Minister, John Killinger wrote in defense of Harry Potter that you should take a look at.  As with most Christian reactionary movements, the people of the movements usually do not spend time reading, studying, or watching the material they object to.

The Christian reversal of Harry Potter was in part due to the very nature of power of the series.  When I say “power”, I mean the ability for the story of Harry Potter to transcend age, race, class, economic status, and gender.  The Hardy Boys series was interesting for a lot of boys growing up, but girls had Nancy Drew.  The Potter story involves so much more then the typical children’s gender targeted books because both girls and boys enjoy them.   In addition, Harry Potter’s story has become a cultural staple of children’s literature.

Here are the top 3 enduring powerful qualities of Harry Potter that over shadow the magical wizardly elements and led to Christian acceptance:

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