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Not enough sin on this blog?

Apparently, I don’t write enough about sin.

Amanda Greene over at Wilmington Faith and Values alerted me to a piece that one of her colleagues wrote. Daniel A. Thompson writes about faith and sports and he responded to my post on Robert Griffin III and dying churches. Thompson’s article is here and it’s entitle, “Sin and Sardis: what’s football got to do with it?”

Thompson liked my connection with rookie phenom RG3 but thought it fell short. I found Thompson’s take interesting because he thinks that we don’t talk enough about sin:

I think Mr. Rudnick made a nice parallel between RG3 (Redskins rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III) and the dying church, however, I don’t think he got close to what the problem in the church is today nor the remedy for the dying church…in the Book of Revelation, Jesus speaking through the Apostle John, makes it clear what is expected of the “dead” church at Sardis… To the dead church at Sardis, he instructs with these words in Revelation 3:3: “so remember what you have received and heard (the Gosple); and keep it, and REPENT… I believe Mr. Rudnick got close to some of the problems of a dying church in the words I highlighted… but sadly, he does not address the real problem in most churches today – repentance of sin and focus on the life-long process of sanctification.

The issue of repentance within a dying church is a concept that I really didn’t think too much about. But, it does raise the question, “To what degree does sin play in the role of a dying church?” And, is that a missing conversation on this blog?

What do you think? Read. Respond. Render.