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religious rights


The Most Religious Cheerleaders… Like Ever

Usually, cheerleaders are not known for being very religious, but a group of cheerleaders put on a public display of their faith.  In a news story that is quickly gaining national attention, cheerleaders in Georgia painted Christian scriptures on large banners for their school football team.  The banners were painted off school property, with private funds, and during the summer when school was not in session.  However, the banners were displayed at public high school football games.

The Cheerleaders at Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School efforts were foiled when a lone objector filed a complaint.  Hundreds of parents, students, and friends gathered at a rally in support of the cheerleaders. The school superintendent remarked,

“Personally, I appreciate this expression of their Christian values. However, as superintendent I have the responsibility of protecting the school district from legal action by groups who do not support their beliefs.”

What’s the big deal? Why can’t these cheerleaders do this?  Is this about the government taking away people’s right to free speech or religious freedom?

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