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We Have Lost Our Sense of Stewardship

Adam Smith is often credited with creating much of our free market principles as we know today as capitalism.  Capitalism has created, at least in the West, a world where anyone can succeed if they work hard, save hard, and spend wisely.  Much of our understanding of our resources is viewed through the lens of self interest.  We are in control of our money and our gifts.  However, we have seen how greed and corruption have affected our world through this Great Recession.

We need to begin to retool our understanding of how we care for our time, talents, money, abilities, and gifts.  We need to look at these abilities through the understanding of stewardship.

Peter Block, business consultant and author of Stewardship Choosing Service Over Self-Interest provides some business world insights to stewardship that model what stewardship should look like:

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blog, prayer

Adopt a Liberal

The Liberty Council, a nonprofit organization that defends religious liberties, is encouraging people to “Adopt a Liberal” and to “pray earnestly and intensely for them.”  The Liberty Council is affiliated with Liberty University (Jerry Falwell founded the school) and has championed the idea of “praying” rather than politically criticizing “liberal” politicians.

The website that the Liberty Council created, has codified and has even named these liberals.  Notable figures include:

  • President Barack Obama
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  • Mayor Michael Bloomberg
  • Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
  • Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Senator Olympia Snowe

Surprisingly, this list is made of both Democrats and Republicans.  Liberty University has long been associated with the “Christian Right” movement of the 1980’s and 1990’s through Jerry Fallwell’s involvement.  This certainly changes the the idea that the “Christian Right” has always been closely connected to the Republican party.

Is this what Jesus meant by, “But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” in Matthew 5?  What is the motive behind such an organization?

The Liberty Counsel makes their intent clear:

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3 Reasons Why You Believe in "Prayerism"

Is prayer becoming a religion unto itself? That was the question that The Wall Street Journal asked in its recent article entitled “Prayer’s Place in America.”  A disconnect between prayer and religious affiliation has arrived:

  • 39% of Americans attend church weekly yet 75% pray at least weekly, according to the Pew Religion Forum.
  • And maybe most remarkably: 35% of those who don’t identify with any religion at all — the “unaffiliated”– pray weekly or daily.
  • In fact, 58% overall, and 66% of American women pray daily.

With 39% of Americans attending church and 75% praying at least weekly, there seems to be a separation between religion and prayer.  Or at least church attendance and prayer.  If you are reading this blog, you probably do not attend church, but you are more likely to pray weekly.  Statistically speaking of course.

The WSJ expounds on these notions:

But these statistics, as well as the popularity over the years of books like the Prayer of Jabez and The Secret and many other devotional books, show that prayer has become popular on its own, sometimes detached from the tradition of church. Call it Prayerism.

“Prayerism”.  That’s a new term, but an old concept.  The whole, “I’m not religious, I’m just spiritual” lends to this thinking of believing in prayer, but not attending church.  Why?

Here are 3 reasons why you probably believe in “prayerism”, but don’t go to church:

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How much does it cost to be a Christian?

When “The Great Recession” began in December of 2007, the stock market lost huge amounts of equity and value.  The Bush administration made efforts to keep businesses and banks afloat.  The word “bailout” became a catch word in our cultural vernacular.  Later, the Obama administration put forward more plans and policies to try to improve the economy.  Political pundits and financial consultants keep talking about the “cost” of all of these governmental plans and programs.  Numerical amounts of millions, billions, and trillions were used to put a price tag on these programs.  Terms like “deficit”, “gross national product”, “credit”, and “macro economics” flooded TV and radio.

Before and during this Great Recession, we saw gas prices shoot to unthinkable levels: $3.50, $4.00, and $4.50 per gallon.  Prices for milk, food, and even toilet paper increased.  Retailers raised prices to keep up with rising manufacturing costs.  It seemed that everything was costing more and more money.  People were lost (and still are losing) their homes.   Now, there is talk of the cost of government offering access to affordable health care.   Cost, cost, cost!  Everything is about the price or value of something.

If there is a cost or price to everything, is there a price to pay to be a Christian? Continue Reading…


The Persistent Beggar

A few years ago, I went to visit a church member at a hospital. I decided to wear a clerical collar to the hospital because I was going into the ICU, which was an ICU I had never been to before. Often, it is easier to wear a collar at a hospital because it cuts down of the identification questions and it also allows me some professional courtesies. Believe it or not, I get some strange looks when I tell people I am a pastor. They say, “You are so young. You don’t look like a pastor.” I reply, “What does a pastor look like then?” You can image the time I have to spend explaining myself. Does a doctor, police officer, fireman/firewoman, or teacher have to explain themselves? (That is a topic for another blog post). Sure, I love to interact with people, but getting the stink eye from Nurse Ratched and being interrogated is not the most pleasant experience.

After the visit, I got into my car and started to drive back to the church office. As I was driving, I stopped at the light to get on the highway. There was a homeless man there with a sign asking for money and walking up the line of cars. I decided not to give the man any money because I preferably do not like to give someone money and leave. I would rather spend time with someone. It is unfortunate that this man had to resort to asking for money at a stoplight, but I felt I was at a disadvantaged because I was not in a position to help him holistically. When the man passed my car, I did not roll my window down. Seeing my collar, the man became irate and started shouting at me.

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Facebook's Religious Conundrum

Facebook is a wonderful social networking tool that creates online communities for millions of people.  Most begin filling out Facebook’s identity questions: name, sex, hometown, birthday, relationship status, and… religion?  With 56% of Americans changing their religion at least once (most before age 24), it presents a difficult challenge for “Facebookers”.

The Washington Post wrote an article about Facebook’s religion conundrum:

Creating a Facebook profile for the first time, Eric Heim hadn’t expected something so serious. Hunched over his laptop, he had whipped through the social network Web site’s questionnaire about his interests, favorite movies and relationship status, typing witty replies wherever possible. But when he reached the little blank box asking for his core beliefs, it stopped him short.

“It’s Facebook. The whole point is to keep it light and playful, you know?” said Heim, 27, a college student…. “But a question like that kind of makes you think.”

The Post reports that 150 million out of 250 million users put something in the religion section on a person’s Facebook page.   Some users are hard pressed to find themselves in one religious category:

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My $150 Mistake: 5 Steps to Wisdom

Running late to meet a fellow pastor, I decided to finish writing a sermon thought instead of leaving on time.    I got into my car and believed I could save time by driving fast, really fast, on the New York State Northway (I-87).  Driving on the six lane highway provided for an opportunity to pass a lot other drivers.  I looked at my watch and saw that I was running 15 minutes late for my lunch meeting.

As I came close to my exit, I foolishly increased my speed.  Sure enough, a New York State trooper was sitting there waiting for someone just like me to stupidly speed faster than the speed limit.  As I saw the red and blue lights flash behind me, I thought about how my license was going to be taken away (I was going at least 25 m.p.h. over the speed limit), huge fines, and the loss of self-respect:  telling my congregation why my wife drives me to work everyday.   I very quickly moved to the right shoulder.  The state trooper did the usual license and registration.  He returned to a sweaty and nervous (also very tardy) speeder.  He asked me why I was driving so fast.  I replied, “I made an idiotic choice of going too fast.  I am new to the area and I am late for a meeting.  I am very sorry that I was speeding.”

The state trooper walked back to his car and began the process of writing a ticket.  He came to the window and he said, “I’m not going to give you a ticket for speeding today.  Instead, I am giving you a ticket for an unsafe lane change and failure to register your license in NY state in 30 days (I was overdue by two weeks).  If I gave you a speeding ticket you would be getting 8 points on your license (a major car insurance cost increase) and you would be paying a $300 fine.  You just got to make the wise decision and slow down.”  Months later, I went to the town court where the speeding occurred to try to plead down the tickets (on the trooper’s suggestion).

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NYT: "Bad Boys" Who Are Good

Normally, you do not see the words “Christian” and “bad boy” in the same sentence, but the The New York Times did just that when the newspaper wrote an article about Brian Deegan.  Deegan is a freestyle motocross rider, and he and his friends were involved in a group called the Metal Mulisha.  Deegan and his crew covered themselves in tattoos and their lifestyle labeled them as trouble makers and bad boys.  After years of drugs and destructive lifestyle choices, Deegan had a conversion:

After a near-fatal crash in 2005 while attempting a back flip during filming for a television show, he lost a kidney and four pints of blood, and found religion. When a surgeon told him he might not survive, Deegan, 34, who has won more freestyle motocross medals at the X Games than any other rider, made a pact with God. If he lived, he would mend his ways. When he finally pulled through, he sought a pastor, began reading the Bible and “gave his life to Christ,” he said.

This article underlines an on going misconception about Christianity, which is that you cannot do anything cool, rebellious, or extreme when you become a Christian.  By rebellious I mean anything that breaks the stereotype and not anything illegal.  Christianity is often branded by television and movies as being out of touch or old fashioned.

The  NYT article goes on to list other Christian extreme sports athletes:

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Three Things You Need to Know About Evangelicals

There is a developing movement within literature to chronicle an outsider’s perspective on the strange land of Evangelical Christianity.  It seems that the world sees all Evangelical Christians as fervent, ignorant, and misguided by a holy book.  Being an Evangelical myself, I can see how the outside world can group all Evangelicals into this stereotype.  The media tends to pick up on the extremes of any group, ideology, or religion and usually tries gives us the most radical angle.   You would think that I would NOT recommend books about non-Christians views on Christianity, but there are two books that are worthy of your consideration about strangers in a strange land that yield some surprising insights.

In the first book,  A Jew Among the Evangelicals, by Mark Pinsky, he provides a brief introduction: a religion reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, uses his unique position as a Jew covering evangelical Christianity to help nonevangelicals understand the hopes, fears, and motivations of this growing subculture and breaks down some of the stereotypes that nonevangelicals have of evangelicals.  “I hope you’ll find laughter, perhaps puzzlement, and heartfelt interest in how people just like you wrestle with feelings, values, and beliefs that touch the core of their beings. And I hope you’ll catch a glimpse of someone learning to understand and get along with folks whose convictions differ from his own,” Pinsky writes in the introduction.

The second book, The Unlikely Disciple is by Kevin Roose.  Roose leaves his Ivy League setting to spend a semester at Liberty University, a conservative Christian college. The book gives this description: “His journey takes him from an evangelical hip-hop concert to choir practice at Falwell’s legendary Thomas Road Baptist Church.  He experiments with prayer, participates in a spring break mission trip to Daytona Beach (where he learns to preach the gospel to partying coeds)… He meets pastors’ kids, closet doubters, Christian rebels, and conducts what would be the last print interview of Rev. Falwell’s life.”

Both of these books provide 3 things you should consider before judging Evangelical Christianity:

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Young Atheists, Old Timer Religion

Both Christians and secular news organizations alike have commented on the growing trend of Christians fleeing traditional churches.  Some have even reported the growing trend of people becoming “less religious”, but “more spiritual”.  Christians have lamented the trend of younger families fleeing churches.  The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released a poll and findings that indicated some surprising information.  Do you want the good news or the bad news?  I give it to you together:

BAD NEWS: More young adults claim to be atheists

GOOD NEWS: As they grow older, they become more religious (one interpretation)

The study found:

Religion is a far bigger part of the lives of older adults than younger adults. Two-thirds of adults ages 65 and older say religion is very important to them, compared with just over half of those ages 30 to 49 and just 44% of those ages 18 to 29. Moreover, among adults ages 65 and above, a third (34%) say religion has grown more important to them over the course of their lives, while just 4% say it has become less important and the majority (60%) say it has stayed the same. Among those who are over 65 and report having an illness or feeling sad, the share who say that religion has become more important to them rises to 43%.

When you read the full study, you will also read about how young adults claim to be atheists, while older Americans claim to be more religious.  Pew found:

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Young People Don't Go To Church, or Do They?

There is a common misconception that young people are fleeing churches.   So many churches ask, “Where are all the young people?”   My friend Rev. Elizabeth Hagen on her blog discussed a similar topic a few weeks ago and gave some great thoughts on understanding young adults.  Christianity Today published an article discussing the ministry of Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian in New York City.   Most of the article is geared toward Keller’s ministry and his bio.  The whole article is great, but the article begins with:

His church, Redeemer Presbyterian, has five crowded Sunday services in three rented locations—Keller dashes between them—with an average total attendance of 5,000. The service at Hunter is the largest, the “tourist service.” (For many years, Redeemer deliberately avoided publicity, but word has spread lately, and Keller estimates that hundreds of out-of-towners show up each Sunday.) Well over 2,000 people—mainly young whites and Asians you would expect to be sleeping off a late Saturday night—have come to this morning’s service.

Wow, “young people” in church… on Sunday morning no less.  What is due to this great success?  It has got to be a young hip preacher and cool band leading worship.  Nope.

Redeemer’s worship is seemly traditional. Instead of using video monitors, casually dressed worshipers follow a 20-page bulletin that includes hymns, prayers, and Bible texts. Organ and a brass quartet lead the music. For evening services, jazz musicians play contemporary Christian songs.

Standing 6’4″, with a bald head, glasses, and a coat and tie, Keller, 58, does not look hip. Nor is his sermon funny, charming, or daring. He preaches from the first chapter of Genesis, on the doctrine of Creation.  Keller speaks like a college professor, absorbed in his content, of which there is a lot

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Is God Moody?

Time recently published an article by Robert Wright, which tries to sort out how “the God” of the three Abrahamic religions could start off as violent and then moved to be more graceful.  Wright gives the impression that God is somehow moody.  Wright also attempts to bring together the Christian Old Testament, the Hebrew Torah, and Islam’s Koran.  I found this article to be inaccurate and misleading because the author tries to make sense of God from a logical stand point and not a theological stand point.  Below are five statements from the article and my five reactions.


“The Bible isn’t the only Scripture with such vacillations between belligerence and tolerance. Muslims, who like Christians and Jews worship the God who revealed himself to Abraham, are counseled in one part of the Koran to “kill the polytheists wherever you find them.” But another part prescribes a different stance toward unbelievers, “To you be your religion; to me my religion.”

My Beef: If you want to understand God, you must understand God theologically.  To understand God and compare the God of Christianity to another religion is like trying to compare apples and oranges.  These three religions say three very different things about God.  Most religion professors would tell you that.


“But the fluctuations aren’t really random. If you juxtapose the Abrahamic Scriptures with what scholars have learned about the circumstances surrounding their creation, a pattern appears. Certain kinds of situations inspired tolerance, and other kinds inspired the opposite. You might even say this pattern is a kind of code, a code that is hidden in the Scriptures and that, once revealed, unlocks the secret of God’s changing moods.”

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