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reality television


Donald Trump: I am a Christian

As the 2012 presidential race heats up, many would-be candidates are launching and engaging in some serious presidential talk.  Mitt Romney just announced that he formed an exploratory committee. Fox News contributor, Mike Huckabee is making the rounds and giving his thoughts on traditional presidential debate topics.  Now, millionaire and reality TV show host, Donald Trump is testing the presidential waters.

Recently, Donald Trump sat down with Christian Broadcasting Network’s (CBN) David Brody and brought up something that he rarely talks about: his religion.

In this exclusive interview, Trump talks about his relationship with God, the church, the bible, being a Presbyterian, and his commitment to attending church.

Trump said: Continue Reading…


5 Reasons Why We Love Angry Outbursts

The recent outbursts of congressman Joe Wilson, tennis star Serena Williams, and rapper Kanye West strikes a note within our own anger and need to be heard.  Congressman Joe Wilson has now become famous for shouting out “You lie!” during President Obama’s speech to a joint session of congress.   Wilson has faced addition criticism for the way he has handled his apology to the President.

Serena Williams made waves during a Grand Slam match in which a line judge called her on a serve violation.  Williams then cursed out the line judge, shouted at tennis officials, and was finally suspended from the match.  She was quotes saying, “”If I could, I would take this …… ball and shove it down your …… throat”

Kanye West  recently grab the microphone away from Taylor Swift, who just won the award for Best Video at the MTV Music Awards, and told the crowd in an outburst that Beyonce Knowles should had won the award.

We love to watch when this type of drama unfolds.  Why?  Here are 5 reasons why we like these angry outbursts:

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