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harold camping, Rapture

Harold Camping: My Bad

Looks like retirementville for our old pal Harold Camping.  Camping, who failed to correctly predict the end of the world, has now admitted he was wrong. The radio preacher said that it “seems embarrassing for Family Radio.” However, Camping still proclaimed that he would “more carefully than ever” look to the Bible for his end of the world predictions.  Upon final review, the ‘evangelist’ said “God is in charge of this whole business and we are not.”

Camping still leaves some room for the possibility for his predictions to return:

“I am checking my own notes more carefully than ever. There is other language in the Bible, and we still have to look at very carefully. … We should be very patient about this matter. At least in a minimum way, we are learning to walk more and more humble before God. We are ready to cry out and weep before God, ‘Oh Lord, You have the truth, we don’t have it.’”

The only full apology that he offered was about those who didn’t believe him:

Incidentally, I have been told that I had said back in May that people who did not believe that May 21 should be the Rapture date probably had not become saved. I should not have said that and I apologize for that.”

According to CNN, it is estimated that supporters gave $80 million from 2005 to 2009.

Harold, just say “my bad” and let everyone get back to their life. Stop flooding the news and making us Christians look crazy.

2011, end of the world, Rapture

35 Things to Know Before the World Ends

This end of the world/rapture business is getting out of hand.  I was interviewed on News Channel 10 on Thursday about why the world will not end. I can’t believe a guy like Harold Camping and his crazy predictions make news.  CNN followed his crusade and I think they are helping it be news worthy.

If you want to know why the world is going to end, here is the back story from my March 6, 2011 Times Union blog post.

If you believe it’s true, you better get ready! The rapture is happening soon!  Get your dogs and cats a place to stay!

There are a lot people getting into this rapture business. So ‘d thought I’d help with a little guide for the end of the world on May 21, 2011:

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