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Pentecost? Whatcha talkin’ bout?

The 1980’s a sitcom, “Diff’rent Strokes” chronicled a family life of a wealthy white industrialist who adopts two African American children. This show gave us  one of the classic lines of that decade.  One of the show’s main character, Arnold, played by Gary Coleman would often say, in a deep voice, “Whatcha you talkn’ about Willis?” to his television brother with a confused look on his face.  Check out the video clip here:

As we celebrate Pentecost this Sunday, we often want to run past the details because they are so crazy!  Fire, wind, xenoglossia, prophesy, dreams, and tongues!  Whatcha talkin’ bout?!?  This is crazy!  What the heck is going on?

Most Christians take the “Whatcha talkn’ bout” approach to this whole business of Pentecost, speaking in tongues, and the out pouring of the Holy Spirit.  Do we need to speak in tongues in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit?  What can we make of this event in scripture?

Here is what you need to know about Pentecost:

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