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Pentecost 6b


Dancing in Worship

If you grew up Baptist there was one thing (among many) that you did NOT do: dance!  I remember my Baptist grandmother telling me stories of how people were reprimanded for dancing in public back in the day.   Baptists were known not to play cards or go to movies.  Wow, it must have been exciting to be a Baptist in the 1930’s.

In 2 Samuel 6:1-5 & 12-19, David dances with all his might.  Why?  David decided to move the capital city of the Israelites from Shiloh to Jerusalem. He wanted to bring the Ark of the Covenant to be in the new religious center of the nation.  It had been a long time since the Israelites had a specific location that would serve as a center for worship.  Now, the Israelites had this  symbol of God’s presence carried into the center of the Jewish people.  You can imagine the excitement.

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