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Pentecost 5b


A Theology Of Failure

Have you ever gone back to your home town after being away for years?  Did things change?  Did they remain the same?  I remember going back to my home church to be ordained in 2006.  I was excited.  I just finished seminary, got my first job as a pastor, and all my family came into town to attend my ordination.  A lot of the people from my home church who guided me through my spiritual life were there: Sunday school teachers, youth workers, pastors, family, and friends.  The ordination service was beautiful and touching for everyone.  It was the culmination of years of preparation for ministry.

As the excitement continued on into the reception afterward, one of my Sunday school teachers came up to me and said: “Boy, what a day!  I remember when you used to be in my Sunday School class.  You were such a little trouble maker!”  Wow.  I hope that Sunday school teacher remembers my ordination day more than the day I poured glue on someone.

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