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FREE netcast for small churches

Tomorrow, will host a free netcast on their website focusing on small-church expectations of pastors, avoiding burnout in the small-church pastorate, and advice for those ministers working in a small-church environment. The streaming netcast  Oct. 22 begins at 11 a.m. ET.

Zach Dawes, former small-church pastor and now managing editor of, and Chuck Warnock, pastor of Chatham Baptist Church in Chatham, Va., will join’s media producer, Cliff Vaughn, online for the conversation. Using  Google Hangouts, will broadcast live on their site.

Anyone can watch the netcast on the main page of, in the video hub (near the bottom-right of the page). After the netcast, the content will be available as a recorded video.

Ethics Daily now features 60 Skype interviews on their Vimeo channel. The expert discussions feature topics like prison ministry, beauty pageants, the Korean church, Thomas Jefferson, the church and technology, and much more.