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Why dystopia is in vogue

This past weekend the movie “The Hunger Games” opened to millions of adoring fans. Over 35 million books have been sold in “The Hunger Games” series and the books currently sit atop of Amazon’s best seller list. It seems that our culture is shifting to an interest in dystopia.  Almost everyone I talk to who read “The Hunger Games” said they couldn’t put the book down.

Move over Harry Potter and Twilight. You have been replaced.

Dystopian novels and movies are all the rage. But, why now? Isn’t dystopia for sci-fi fans?

One of the major reasons why “The Hunger Games” is so en vogue, much like Harry Potter was, is because people love a good epic battle between the forces of good and evil. Especially, if there are young people involved.   Erik Feig, president of production at Lionsgate, the studio behind “The Hunger Games” and “Twilight” sheds light on this type of entertainment:

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Pastor Prays for Obama's Death

In a truly remarkable news story, a Phoenix pastor gave a sermon in which he opening talked about praying for President Obama’s death.  His sermon was entitled, “Why I hate Barack Obama”.  This pastor, Steven Anderson, even said that his congregation members that God hates Obama, therefore they should hate Obama.  You can also her some of his sermon here.  (Warning, this is very offensive).  In addition, he also wished cancer on the president:

“I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today,” he told MyFOXPhoenix on Sunday. He called his message “spiritual warfare” and said he does not condone killing.

What is even more shocking is what he told his congregation next:

I’m gonna pray that he dies and goes to hell when I go to bed tonight. That’s what I’m gonna pray… Look up the word hate. Look up the word abhor, the word loathe. You’ll see there are a lot of people that God hates, and so we should hate. But see, I didn’t write that, that’s in the Bible… I’m going to prove that tonight.”

Where does this guy get this theology?  He sounds like he belongs at the Westboro Baptist Church with Fred Phelps.  How convenient that this pastor can excuse his actions because he takes the easy way out and uses the old “the Bible says so” routine.   In his sermon he even contradicts himself by saying, “I love all of God’s creation.”  Doesn’t that include people?  Like the president?

If that was not enough, things got worse:

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