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Easter 7b



When I was child, I would look up in the sky and wonder if clouds tasted like cotton candy. I know it’s weird, but what else is there to do when you are kid? I hoped that someday I will be able to get up in the sky, away from everyone else, and try to taste the clouds. I would also dream about flying and sky diving out of a plane. I have not yet been sky diving (I think the church would take an insurance policy out on me if I did, just kidding.) but I think it would be pretty sweet to venture through the sky and the clouds.

So many people want to escape things.  That’s why we have people like Jimmy Buffett, who has made a career of “escapism” through food, music, and concerts. Or, skydiving is a way to get a thrill. We are always looking at the next bigger and better thing down the road to get us “away” from what is going on around us. We all need a vacation, don’t get me wrong, but society is all about escaping from aging, relationships, responsibility, debt, or even helping others.

The day that Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples were left staring up in the clouds. Two angels asked, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand look up toward heaven?” (Acts 1:11) As I read this, I thought that it is almost if the two angels knew that the disciples were looking up into heaven wanting to escape just like Jesus did. The truth is, Jesus did not escape… he ascended to the glory of God. His earthly work was done. These two angels were wondering why the disciples were staring up in heaven. They got work to do!  The Holy Spirit is coming!  The Kingdom of God is at hand. There are people out there who need to hear about Christ. The disciples were looking up wishing that they too could get away, but God had something else in mind.  The the Holy Spirit was coming on the Day of Pentecost. People were going to hear about Jesus and God needed individuals to tell the story.  The disciples were needed for something greater.

We as God’s people are called to join together, not escape one another. What is God calling me for? What am I trying to escape from? Why am I trying to escape? What do I need to do in order to move on?