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College football

joe paterno, penn state

The Story Behind the Penn State, Nebraska Pre-Game Prayer

If it is one thing that came out of the Penn State-Nebraska game, it was not a loss for Penn State.  It was a win-win for both teams.  Why?  Check out how the game started:

That man standing in the center is Ron Brown, an assistant coach with Nebraska.  Notice in the picture that in a packed stadium, both teams, game officials, and coaches are present. What a display of unity, support, and class for college football.  While many students rioted (or for some, protested) Joe Paterno’s departure, these college athletes stopped and made a statement.  They prayed. For some, it may have been a moment of silence, but for others it was a start to the path of healing.

This shows all the world what is at the heart of people in college sports despite the actions of key leaders in the Penn State football program and university.  There is still a sense of concern for the victims, the university, and students. They are all in it together. We are all in it together.

Back to the picture.

Who is Brown? And what did he say when this picture was taken?  The Washington Post gives us some more info on Brown:

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