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Christian Wedding

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Does God Promise You a Spouse?

Does God promise you a spouse in the Bible?

...that was the question that Rob Eagar over at proposed recently.  His post tried to answer this question in the affirmative.   Many evangelicals through the years have often painted a picture that God promises a spouse to all believers.  Except there is one problem, no where in scripture does God make this promise.

Eagar said:

Does God promise us a spouse? The Bible says “yes” by describing Christians as the spiritual bride of Christ. Our true spouse is Jesus. Yet, many of us say, “I’m glad to be spiritually married to Christ, but I can’t feel Him. Wouldn’t it be better if I could enjoy God’s love with someone else? I want Jesus with skin on.” So, we pray for God to bring us an earthly mate.

This type of theology has created a generation of frustrated Christian singles.  No where in scripture does God promise a wife or husband to a believer on the sole basis that they are a Christian.   Christians are not the spiritual bride of Christ.  The spiritual bride of Christ is the Church (ecclesia).  Some would say Christians make up the church, thus Christ is our bride.  Maybe (that is pretty loose theology), but not in the erotic sense.  However, scripture is clear where we get this “bridal theology” from, such as  Ephesians 5:25:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

Here, Paul speaks about the love that exists between a husband and wife and mirrors that love in non-erotic language (Paul uses agapate to describe this love) to describe the relationship between the Church and Jesus.  Agnieszka Tennant, writing for CT, posted this article about the over use of love language with Christ.   Her most telling quote reveals the trouble with the over use of the love language of God:

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Christian "Wedding Crashers"

(I use the term “Christian Wedding Crashers” as a tongue and cheek way of referring to those people who are not typical church member seeking marriage.  Please do not be offended.  This is a light hearted term that some Christians have used for this situation. I do not believe these people are really crashing a wedding.   Please keep reading. )

“What an awesome wedding!  You did a great job.  You opened new doors for us into Christianity.” – is the comment that I heard from a wedding I once officiated.  Over the years, I have been conflicted by couples who come into my office asking me to officiate their wedding.  Normally, I have no problem doing a wedding for a church member or Christians who do not have a church home.  What has been a growing trend for a number of pastors, including myself, is what to do with non-Christian weddings?

Many Christians have been troubled with what to do with Christian “wedding crashers”, which are those people (who some Christians deem to be conflictual) who do not meet the “typical Christian” engagement period.  The typical Christian premarital situation looks like this:

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Is This A Holy Wedding?

Watch this wedding processional… it received over 1 million hits on youtube when I watched it on Friday.  Now, it has received over 8 million hits.  It is most likely something you have never seen at a wedding.

This video is also here:

Most people would watch this video and point out that this is a creative and joyful way to have a wedding processional.  The Washington Post has written an article discussing this video.  Some Christians might believe that this wedding processional is a mockery of the wedding ceremony.   In an age where marriage is being redefined by culture, this video does not seem outrageous.   I am conflicted about this wedding video.  Let me explain.

Dance has been a universal act of joy in almost every culture through the ages.  King David danced before God with all his might in joyful celebration when the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the assembly of Israel in 2 Samuel.  Obviously, David did not dance with sunglasses on.  Thus, these two dances are different.  The dancing done in the video was well planned.  This wedding party was expressing their joy of two people in marriage.

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