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Christian stewardship


The Super Bowl of Priorities

At the Super Bowl one year, a  fan was surprised to see an empty seat at the stadium, a die-hard fan remarked about it to a woman sitting nearby. “It was my husband’s,” the woman explained, “But he died.” “I’m very sorry,” said the man.  Then, the gentleman said, “Yet I’m really surprised that another relative, or friend, didn’t jump at the chance to take the seat reserved for him.” “Beats me…They all insisted on going to the funeral.” Remarked the woman.

Priorities.  Many of us want to a line our priorities based on how much time things will take.  We make a list of things to get at the supermarket.  Do we make a list based on what we need first? Or, what it closest to the door?

In life, we talk about quality time, time management, financial restraint, and balancing our work life. Instead of thinking about those things based on how much time we spend on them, what if we think about them based on what we do first?  How important is it for you to brush your teeth in the morning?  I hope it is pretty important because usually that is one of the first things we do in the morning (along with a shower and the morning coffee).

Dwight Eisenhower once said:

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We Have Lost Our Sense of Stewardship

Adam Smith is often credited with creating much of our free market principles as we know today as capitalism.  Capitalism has created, at least in the West, a world where anyone can succeed if they work hard, save hard, and spend wisely.  Much of our understanding of our resources is viewed through the lens of self interest.  We are in control of our money and our gifts.  However, we have seen how greed and corruption have affected our world through this Great Recession.

We need to begin to retool our understanding of how we care for our time, talents, money, abilities, and gifts.  We need to look at these abilities through the understanding of stewardship.

Peter Block, business consultant and author of Stewardship Choosing Service Over Self-Interest provides some business world insights to stewardship that model what stewardship should look like:

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