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Christian Desperate Housewives


‘Good Christian Bi*ches’ unholy or wholly funny?

For months, rumors went around the internet that a Christian Desperate Housewives show was going to air on ABC.  The show was to depict Christians in very unflattering and negative ways.  Then, the hype died down, until last Sunday.

‘GCB’ aired premiered and was certainly full of drama… was it Christian drama?  Well, you be the judge.

The show was originally named, “Good Christian Bi*ches,” proved to be offensive to some so the series was changed to “Good Christian Belles.”  GCB is based on  a book with the same ugly title (the B-word word one with seven letters). I’m really looking for the words to describe this show and I cannot find them. So, I’ll use someone who is keyed into Hollywood and who gives a better description:

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