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C St house


Politics, Christians, and Scandals

I try to be non-political on this blog, but I could not help but notice the recent scandals that are occurring for several Republicans.  Now, do not get me wrong here.  The Democrats have had theirs too (Bill Clinton).  Maureen Down from the New York Times wrote a scathing piece about Christian/conservative Republicans.   In her article entitled, “Pharisees on the Potomac” she points out that the party of morality has hardly been moral.  The hypocrisy of some in the Republication party, she feels, has been obvious, but no one is making waves about it.    She points out:

Who can forget the glory years, when the Gipper invoked God but never went to church?…When Newt Gingrich and other conservatives indulged in affairs with young Washington peaches as they pushed to impeach Bill Clinton?

There has always been a push by some Christians to articulate their undying support of the Republican party, but if those Christians dug deeper they will find some embarrassing facts.  Down continues the article by mentioning the Christian “C Street house“, where Christian law makers go for support during tough spiritual times:

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