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Biennial vote


More Biennial News


It seems the fallout from the American Baptist Churches Biennial in Pasadena, continues to make press.  The Associate Baptist Press reported on the biennial and gave some interesting insights on the biennial and on the failed bylaw changes vote .   I want to highlight the major points in the article.

Delegates, meeting in Pasadena, Calif., torpedoed a major restructuring that had been backed by denominational officials but criticized by many progressive leaders and churches. They voted 377-217 in favor of the bylaws changes — failing, by a handful of votes, to muster the two-thirds majority required to pass them.

Torpedoed is a strong word, but I guess to some it was a major defeat.  It is still not the end of the world.

The changes would have spun off the denomination’s two mission boards into quasi-autonomous entities, altered the form of representation on ABCUSA’s main governing board and changed the method by which American Baptists approve policy statements and resolutions.  In particular, progressive congregations and organizations feared that the changes would further marginalize their voice within the denomination and make it more difficult to rescind past ABC statements condemning homosexuality.

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