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church membership, featured, main, Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann now a Baptist?

Several news outlets, including the New York Times and the Associate Baptist Press, are reporting that presidential hopeful, Michele Bachmann is now a Baptist. Bachmann separated herself from the Salem Lutheran Church (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) in Stillwater, Minnesota, last month. Her separation from her church came shortly before announcing her White House bid.

Bachmann most likely did not want her church’s stances to distract her campaign.  Salem Lutheran church opposes same-sex marriages and calls the Pope the “anti-Christ”:

Since Scripture teaches that the Antichrist would be revealed and gives the marks by which the Antichrist is to be recognized, and since this prophecy has been clearly fulfilled in the history and development of the Roman Papacy, it is Scripture which reveals that the Papacy is the Antichrist.

Some think that Bachmann wanted to avoid a Jeremiah Wright moment for her campaign, which haunted President Obama. Apparently, a meeting with her pastor sparked her departure from the church.  An aide commented on the situation:

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church membership, mission

The Mission of the Mission Statement

Mission statements are used by individuals, non-profits, companies, and even government.  Mission statements are supposed to focus or clarify an organization’s purpose or outcome.  It is easy for a mission statement to be confusing, too wordy, and just too long.  Instead of mission statements empowering people, mission statements can be used as corporate propaganda to make investors feel like the company is working hard.  Here are some examples of confusing mission statements:

“We have committed to synergistically fashion high-quality products so that we may collaboratively provide access to inexpensive leadership skills in order to solve business problems”

“It is our business to quickly maintain competitive sources while continuing to globally simplify virtual services.”

“We strive to globally provide access to multimedia based intellectual capital and efficiently simplify effective sources to stay competitive in tomorrow’s world.”

“Our mission is to collaboratively leverage existing high standards in content while promoting personal employee growth.”

What the heck does all that mean?  Catch phases like globally, leverage, competitive… Katie Irons at offers some insight to mission statements:

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