I opened Facebook this morning to read this headline, “Why I Am Absolutely Islamaphobic”. I clicked the link and read the opinion piece by Rev. Gary Cass and was disgusted by what I read.
I posted the Charisma News article on my Facebook page only to find that the original post was pulled: there is a 404 error. Brian McLaren has a lively comment section on his Facebook page.
I think it is obvious what happened here. After such blow back from Christians, Charisma had to delete the article. David Hayward (NakedPastor.com) has a good response. I mean come on, the title explains that this pastor and CEO of a “Christian defamation” organization is clearly anti-Isalm. Gary even has his own page over at Right Wing Watch – so you know he’s legit.
Here’s a few nuggets of Cass’ craziness from the original opinion article:
My fear is not an irrational fear based on uniformed prejudice; rather it’s an historic, clear eyed, informed, rational fear. ISSA is doing to America journalists what every true follower of Mohammed wants to do to you and yours; subjugate or murder you. They believe they have been given a mandate by Allah (Satan) to dominate the world.
And then Cass paints all Muslims with one brush stroke:
History shows where Muslims get the power and means to subjugate and behead Christians, Jews, et al, they do it. Why? It’s really very simple: its what Mohammed did and taught. So I have what I believe is a very rational fear for what our children and their children will face. Do you?
History also “shows” (poor choice of words) that Christians killed in the name of Christ… well, political domination. So, that argument is dead in the water. As if that was not enough, Cass has a final solution for Muslims:
D.A.M.N.: Depart All Muslims Now. Deport them like Spain was forced to do when they deported the Muslim Moors. Muslims in America are procreating at twice the rate of other groups. So, either we force them all to get sterilized, or we wait for the “Army of Islam” to arise in our midst and do what Muslims always do, resort to violence.
This type of Islamophobic expression has no business within the Christian framework of Jesus Christ. I cannot think of any passage of scripture where Jesus advocates the complete oppression of a person because of their religion. Even the message of the Gospel was given to Gentiles (I’m one) and pagans in Rome.
If you want to read the entire madness, it’s here and here (Google cache). For more on Gary Cass please read this post.
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