Yearly Archives:


Valentine's Day

St. Valentine a Myth?


Today, February 14, is the celebration of Valentine’s day. A day in which lovers exchange gifts, cards, and candy to express love. Many think this is a holiday created by card companies and businesses to encourage people to buy more stuff. Is there a source to which we can either blame or thank for the genesis of this holiday?

The observance of Valentine’s Day become popular in England during the Victorian era. Traditions of sending love notes to lovers were made popular by famous writers, such as Geoffrey Chaucer, who help perpetuate the holiday.  Throughout history, many connected Valentine with love, but clear evidence is lacking.

The origin of Valentine’s Day is mysterious. Valentine’s Day comes from a figure in Christian history but the exact identity of St. Valentine is difficult to prove. Tradition holds Valentine was a priest in Rome, who aided and sheltered Christians in persecution under Claudius II. In addition, he would marry Christian couples under the newly found faith of Christianity. Valentine was caught, and sent to Rome to renounce his faith. Valentine was be beaten with clubs and was be beheaded. He was executed on February 14, sometime around year 270.

One tradition holds that Valentine himself sent the first “Valentine” card:

While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl — who may have been his jailor’s daughter — who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still in use today.

But, was there more than one man known as Valentine?

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Egypt: Blessed Are The Peacemakers

As I write this post, I’m watching the people of Egypt celebrating the end of nearly 30 years of autocratic rule of their country.  President Mubarak resigned and left the country. People are setting off fireworks, waving flags, cheering, and singing in the streets of Cairo.

Despite brief isolated incidents of violence, there were no wide spread  incidents of violence by protesters in 18 days. Though over 300 people were killed by anti-protesters, it took the peaceful protests of passionate and patient people to topple an unjust government.

We have seen Tunisia and Egypt change. Two countries in the Middle Eastern world champion a revolution. In Cairo, men, women, and children camped out for more than two weeks to protest. Christians and Muslims protected one another through this revolution. Continue Reading…


Debunking ‘The Debunking of Biblical Marriage’

Recently, a fellow American Baptist wrote a  challenging article concerning marriage in the Bible. After reading it, I decided to respond by debunking, “Debunking ‘Biblical marriage’: Why the Bible can’t dictate today’s sexual morals” by Jennifer Wright Knust. Knust recently posted a column for the Washington Post’s On Faith blog where she basically throws out many key understandings of marriage and sexuality in the Bible.

Much has already been said about the fading of marriage in this country and around the world. Many Christians have sought to understand where Christian marriage fits in today’s culture.  Is it an outdated institution?

Jennifer Wright Knust is an Assistant Professor of Religion at Boston University and an ordained American Baptist. She is bright and logical, but her conclusions on biblical marriage are not faithful to understanding scripture. She says:

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clergy, new

Why I Wear A Clergy Collar


As many in my church know, I often wear a clergy collar for hospital visits.  When I visit parishioners or when I’m asked to give an opening prayer at a fireman’s dinner, the collar goes on. As I discussed in my book, The Work of the Associate Pastor, pastoral identity is very important.

For those who are versed in denominationalism or Protestant traditions, you know that vast majority of Baptist ministers do not wear clergy collars. Those funny looking white tabs or rounded white collars that ministers wear are most identified with Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran traditions.

If collars are not required for Baptist ministers or not a part of the Baptist tradition, what is a Baptist doing wearing one?

As a young seminarian, I did a stretch in a clinical chaplain program in a hospital in the suburbs of Philadelphia.  As a student chaplain, I was charged with doing rounds to patient rooms.  As I visited, we evaluated the patient’s needs, offered prayer, and gave emotional support.

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'Banned' Religious Super Bowl Ad Airs

A Super Bowl ad that was originally “banned” by Fox Television because it was potentially  offensive aired during the big game. The ad features several people watching a football game and the camera zooms in on the television. A football player’s eye black displays “John 3:16”. The people watching the television wonder what it means and one man says, “I’ll look it up.”  Watch the video here:

Of course, John 3:16 reads: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (NRSV)  This verse from the Bible is used by Christians at sporting events. Tim Tebow was known for scripture verses on his eye black during his college days.

Who is behind this ad? Larry Taunton, the executive director of the Fixed Point Foundation explains: Continue Reading…

blog, Uncategorized

An Apology To Readers

Here's my "I'm sorry" gift basket.

I must fess up. I’ve neglected my blog for the last two months. I’m sorry to my readers. What keeps a blog going are consistent posts that are thought provoking and timely. My blogging output was seriously deficient the past two months.  I apologize and owe you an explanation.

Several things have held my attention. Namely, finishing my book manuscript on associate minister ministry for Judson Press was paramount. Writing, proofing (thanks to Kristen Champion-Terrell for her help), and completing 159 pages was an exercise in patience.  My editor was gracious with my revised due dates. Finding time for manuscript writing was a learning process. Every writer has their process and I discovered mine.

Being a pastor and writing a book is no small task.  I am fortunate and thankful for a thriving congregation. Putting writing off for late night hospital visits, retreats, evening meetings, and other church events was a constant reality. If pastoral work was not enough, certainly my duties as a General Board member for the American Baptist Churches and serving on the Board of Directors for the American Baptist Home Mission Society took up a few days here and there.  Finally, attending my Lewis Fellows meetings takes away writing time too.

Don’t get me wrong. All of this good, really good. I’ve learned a lot and connected with many new people to help broaden my ministry. However, I discovered a few important realities when trying to write a book and balancing work, life, and family: Continue Reading…


Forgive Me iPhone, I've Sinned


The ever-growing bridge between technology and religion is expanding every day. No longer will digital Bibles apps be the only religious tool that populates Blackberrys, iPhone, and other electronic devices. A newly released iPhone app allows users to connect to a “confession” community to admit personal transgressions.  The app description explain

The fundamental manner in which Penance differs from other confession apps is that it is structured to create a self-sustaining community rather than be a simple whiteboard for posting confessions (that can at best be rated by those who view them).

Apparently, download users must be over the age of 17 in order to download the app. This suggests that users can face some racy confessions. It appears there is a gimmick to the app because like 4square users can earn destinations based on use:

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blog, News

What ‘Blood Libel’ Means

In a newly released video, Sarah Palin reacts to the shooting in Arizona and responds to critics by using the phrase “blood libel.”  Watch the 7:43 minute video:

Palin states in the video: But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn.

As I noted in my last blog post, clearly the few comments or use of a graphic depicting targeting sights could not be the single cause of the shooter’s motivation.  Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post outlines the issue:

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Don't Blame Talk, Blame Crazy

The events that unfolded this past weekend in Arizona are truly troubling.  A federal judge, a 9-year-old girl, a political aid, and bystanders are dead.  Many more injured, including a congresswoman. The gunman, Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a crowd of people.  He planned it and talked about it on Myspace, YouTube, and other internet sites.

The media quickly jumped on who to blame. Who is responsible?  Many were quick to blame talking heads, such as Sarah Palin and her use of ‘gun targets” that targeted political races.   Glenn Beck responded had words. Even the Pima County (where the shooting occurred) Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, blamed the country’s explosive rhetoric on Rush Limbaugh:

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