About Alan R. Rudnick

Alan R. Rudnick has been featured on television, radio, print, and social media and serves as the senior minister for DeWitt Community Church in DeWitt, NY. He quickly established himself as a writer, leader, and speaker in faith, leadership, Christianity, ministry, and social media. His official online and print presence began with the Albany Times Union newspaper as a featured contributor and blogger.

Judson Press published his book, “The Work of the Associate Pastor,” in 2012. Alan’s writing has been featured with the Syracuse Post-Standard, Albany Times Union, The Christian Century, Baptist News Global, The Baptist Standard, Christian Reflection, Christian Citizen, Associated Baptist Press, and The Fund of Theological Education.

Passionate about communication, ministry, and leadership has led Alan to serve on three leadership boards at the national level: the General Board of General Ministries American Baptist Churches U.S.A., the Board of Directors for the Home Mission Society of the American Baptist Churches U.S.A., and the Missions Council for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Alan is also an alum of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership Lewis Fellows program.

Alan graduated from Eastern University (cum laude) and Palmer Theological Seminary as a Presidential Scholar with a Master of Divinity degree. Alan holds a Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) from La Salle University. Alan has served churches in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New York. He is married to Christine and has three children.

If you are interested in Alan speaking at your next event, writing a guest blog post, or reviewing a book, please use the contact page.